English Learner Department

EL Department Banner
Welcome to the English Learner Department
Our mission is to support English Learners on their path to success by providing meaningful learning opportunities in collaboration with our school communities. We believe that all students deserve the chance to develop strong English skills while mastering academic content.

Our vision is that every teacher works strategically to meet the language needs of English Learners, helping them grow their knowledge and achieve advanced levels of English proficiency. Together, we are committed to cultivating multilingual learners who thrive academically and beyond.

District English Learner PlanEL Master Plan
The Central Unified School District Master Plan for English Learners will operate under the guiding principles of the California English Learner Roadmap. The four key principles of the Roadmap guide our work, with the aim to prepare students through educational standards that promote the rich linguistic diversity in a global economy and culture of learning, innovation and advanced technology.
Our district is excited to announce that the English Learner Plan will be updated in Spring 2025 to reflect our continued commitment to supporting the success and growth of our English Learners.



Helping English Learners Succeed in Our Schools


Our district supports English Learners (ELs) through a Structured English Immersion (SEI) program that combines two types of English Language Development (ELD): Designated ELD and Integrated ELD.

  • Designated ELD:

    • In elementary schools, students receive 30 minutes of focused English language instruction daily.
    • In middle and high schools, this instruction is offered as a full class period to help students develop advanced English skills.
  • Integrated ELD:
    Teachers include language development strategies in all subjects, helping students improve their English while learning grade-level content.

Designated ELD focuses on teaching specific English skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Integrated ELD helps students use those skills in everyday lessons and activities across all subjects. Together, these approaches ensure students build strong English skills and succeed academically.

Identification of English Learners 

In our district, identifying English Learners begins with the Home Language Survey completed during enrollment. If another language is spoken at home, the student takes the Initial ELPAC to assess their English skills. Based on the results, students are classified as English Learners (ELs) or Initially Fluent English Proficient (IFEP). This process ensures students receive the support they need to succeed academically and socially.

Process of Identification Graphic

For more detailed information about the Initial ELPAC, please visit the Starting Smarter ELPAC website.

Moving from English Learner to Fluent English Proficient


Reclassification is how English Learners (ELs) in our district are determined to be fluent in English and ready to succeed without extra language support. This process uses several steps to make sure students are fully prepared:

  • Scoring an Overall 4 (Well-Developed) on the Summative ELPAC.
  • Meeting grade-level standards on state and district assessments.
  • Receiving a teacher evaluation showing strong classroom performance.
  • Having a parent consultation to finalize the decision.

After reclassification, students are monitored for four years to ensure they continue to do well. This process shows our dedication to helping English Learners succeed in school and beyond.

EL Teacher Program
Our EL teacher program serves eight schools through a push-in model, where EL teachers collaborate with classroom teachers to deliver lessons that combine language and content objectives. They also provide instructional support and co-develop materials. Schools in the program include Biola, Hanh Phan Tilley, Harvest, Madison, McKinley, Roosevelt, Steinbeck, and Teague Elementary.

Professional Learning Opportunities


Our EL Department offers districtwide and site-based professional development tailored to the needs of educators. Topics include integrating ELD standards with content, strategies for Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) and Newcomers, and ELPAC preparation. Trainings are customized to site requests and goals.


Multilingual Success Network


The Multilingual Success Network (MSN) connects eight schools in a shared mission to improve outcomes for English Learners. MSN schools engage in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), implement improvement cycles, and receive targeted coaching and resources to strengthen Designated and Integrated ELD instruction.

Newcomer Support
Our district’s Newcomer teacher supports elementary Newcomer students with direct instruction and develops resources for classroom teachers, ensuring all students receive tailored language support. 
El Newcomer
Needing Newcomer support in your classroom?  Please submit a Newcomer EL Teacher Request Form.  Our EL Teacher will respond to provide you with support.
We encourage all parents of English Learners to get involved in ELAC and DELAC to make a positive impact on our students and schools!
What is ELAC?

The English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a school-based group of parents, teachers, and staff dedicated to supporting English Learners. ELAC also provides a space for parents to share their input, ask questions, and learn about ways to support their child's academic success.
ELAC advises the school on topics such as:
  • Programs and services for English Learners.
  • The school’s efforts to improve student outcomes, including the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
  • Building a welcoming and supportive school community for English Learners and their families.
What is DELAC?

The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a district-level committee made up of representatives from each school’s ELAC. DELAC provides parents the opportunity to work with district leaders to ensure the needs of English Learners are met. By participating in DELAC, parents can help shape the district’s goals and ensure the voices of English Learner families are heard.
Topics discussed include:
  • Development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for English Learners.
  • Districtwide programs and services for English Learners.
  • Training for parents to understand and participate in decision-making.

Cindy Escandon

Supervisor of EL & Migrant

(559) 274-4700 ext 10195

[email protected] 


Tammy Kinnunen 

District English Learner

Support Coach 

(559) 274-4700, ext. 10155 

[email protected]  


Martha Pagan

Administrative Assistant

(559) 274-4700 ext 10197

[email protected] 

Quick Links
Click on the links to learn more about advisory committees and our district programs

News & Announcements

School Accountability Report Card (SARC)

Each Central USD school site’s School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is now available. You may find the SARC for your child’s school on the school’s website or request a hard copy in the main office. The information above contains more details about the SARC.

Immigration Resources

Central Unified is committed to all students’ legal right to an education regardless of immigration status. We will continue to advocate for and embrace all students as full members of our school community. Our policies explicitly assert that immigration enforcement is prohibited from accessing our campuses or student and family information without a valid subpoena or warrant. We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and their families. For support and resources, Click the link below.

January 14: District English Learner Advisory Committee 2nd Quarter Meeting Agenda

Explore Our Current Job Openings!

Parent Advisory Meetings (PAC)

The parent advisory committee provides a platform for parents to collaborate with schools to shape policies and programs supporting student success.

2024-2025 Transfer Information

Click on this story to find out more details on InTERdistrict and InTRAdistrict transfers.

2024-2025 Elementary School Hours

2024-2025 School Hours for All CUSD Elementary Schools.

CUSD School Resource Officers: Roles and Expectations

New Attendance Boundary maps for Elementary, Middle & High Schools

Central Unified’s Board has approved new school attendance boundary maps for elementary, middle, and high schools which will go into effect starting in the 2025-26 school year. This decision follows extensive research and analysis, including a thorough examination of current school capacities, projected housing growth, and the imperative to accommodate the overcrowding of  Justin Garza High School and the opening of a new elementary school on Shields and Brawley.

2024-2025 Preschool Registration - Now Open!

View All News & Announcements