Communications and Public Relations

The Communications and Public Relations Office is responsible for communicating with the Central Unified community and is involved in several organizations to help our students:
- Air quality and heat index notifications
- Community relations
- Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award
- District-wide communications using ParentSquare, PeachJar, and all district & school websites
- District-wide events (Welcome Rally, Coats for Kids, Holiday Joy, among others)
- District Master Calendar
- District and school website content, training, and management
- Electronic Flier approval through Peachjar
- Flier approval
- Fresno Compact Committee
- Fresno PARCS
- GRAPEVINE Magazine
- Guiding Principles
- Liaison for the Fresno Superintendent of Schools Academic Decathlon competition
- Operation School Bell with the Assistance League Fresno
- Press releases
- Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube
- Social Media Best Practices training for employees and parents
- Suicide Prevention Collaborative Communication Group (Fresno Cares)
Johnathon Burrows
Communications and Public Relations Officer
Olegario Tapia
Digital Communications, and Social Media Clerk
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 559-274-4700 ext 10209
FAX: 559-271-8200
Mailing Address
4605 N. Polk Ave.
Fresno, CA 93722
Physical Address
5652 W. Gettysburg Ave., Rm 11
Fresno, CA 93722