Social Media Awareness & Safety

Central Unified PSA - HOAX THREATS
Hoax threats on social media might seem funny, but they are no laughing matter! Central Unified and local law enforcement take hoax threats very seriously! Here's a PSA video we created to educate our students and community about the dangers of Hoax Threats.
Central Unified PSA - SEXTING
Sexting has become a serious problem for teens and young people on social media. Here's a PSA video we created to educate our students and community about the dangers of sexting.
BARK Undercover Sexual Predator Video
The online digital communication and social media safety platform, BARK, recently produced an undercover video that involved one of their employees posing as an 11-year-old social media user in order to expose online sexual predators. This content might be too disturbing for some viewers, but we feel it is necessary for everyone to watch.
Social Media Safety & Online Resources