Bell Schedules 2022-23/Late Start SB 328
You can checkout the bell schedules for the 2022-23 school year below. Keep scrolling down to learn more about law SB 328, which influenced the change in schedules.
New Bell Schedules 2022-23
What is SB 328?
California has a new law (SB328) requiring secondary schools to move their start times to later in the morning; no earlier than 8:00 a.m. for Middle Schools and no earlier than 8:30 a.m. for High Schools. Due to shared operations (transportation, food services, custodial, after school programs, etc.), schedule changes will be required at most, if not all school sites. Meetings will be scheduled for parents, staff, and students to learn more about the new law and offer comments. An online survey will also be available to submit feedback. All feedback will be processed in December.
Intro Video
Slide Presentation
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