About Us
Central Unified School District Special Education - Student & Family Support Services
Central Unified School District believes in including all students to the fullest extent possible. We provide special education services to students ages three to twenty-two in a variety of programs through regionalized placements. A continuum of services are available from preschool to adult education to meet the varying needs of our students. Specialized Academic Instructors (SAI) support our Resource Specialist Programs (RSP), Special Day Class (SDC), Functional Life Skills (FLS), and Adult Transition Program (ATP).
Central Unified’s Special Education Team aims to serve it’s 1,900 students with disabilities. Our team consists of five program supervisors, twenty seven school psychologists, twenty five intervention counselors, two adaptive physical education teachers, twenty three speech and language pathologists, one hundred and six teachers, and one hundred and sixty instructional aides who work diligently to provide support to our students both educationally and social-emotionally. We also collaborate with the Fresno County SELPA to provide services for our students with visual, hearing, or orthopedic impairments. We appreciate our families and their trust in us to take our students to the next level.