Parent's Corner

Parents must submit a lunch application for all new incoming preschool students. Click on LUNCH APPLICATION to apply.

Interested in volunteering in your child's classroom? – Please submit your interest to [email protected]
Interested in joining the Parent Advisory Group? – Please submit your interest to [email protected]
Absences for Best Interest of the Child – are limited to ten (10) days per fiscal year, except for children who are recipients of protective services or at risk of abuse or neglect or other special circumstances. “Best interest of the child” absences are defined as follows: family funerals, weddings, activities related to the religion of the child’s family, Kindergarten registration and testing, vacations, or other reasons that the parent feels are in the best interest of the child. The Notice of Best Interest Days Absence form must be completed by the parent and submitted to the teacher for approval.
Notice of Best Interest Days Absence Form
Withdrawal from the preschool program – Parents wishing to withdraw their child from the preschool program must notify the teacher or the preschool office by completing the Self-Declaration for Termination of Services form listed below.
Self-Declaration for Termination of Services Form

Help Me Grow - Is a website supporting children in Fresno County to reach their optimal developmental potential
Live United - Is a website by the United Way providing a list of resources to assist families during COVID-19
The app offers resources in English and Spanish (under Recursos en Español) on children’s learning and development, including simple activities to help children learn through play at home; self-care strategies; how to get help meeting basic needs including food, shelter, diapers, and more; and health & safety resources, including how to talk to children about the ongoing health pandemic and racial inequality crisis.
Week of the Young Child
Download Stay Play Grow today from the Apple App Store at and Google Play Store at
Week of the Young Child
What Parents Should Know About the Updated COVID-19 School Guidance - Safety guidelines for schools determined by the Fresno County Department of Public Health
Fax# (559) 533-9068