Measure B 2008 Bond Measure
Bond Measure B
On November 4, 2008, the electorate of the Central Unified School District approved the issuance of up to $152 million Measure B General Obligation Bonds, with greater than 55% of the votes in favor.

Measure B 2008 - Ballot Measure Text:
"To replace outdated heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to improve energy efficiency; upgrade classroom computers and technology; replace aging portables; renovate restrooms; improve student safety and school security; acquire property; build classrooms and schools to reduce overcrowding; and qualify the District to receive an estimated $75,000,000 in State matching funds, shall the Central Unified School District issue $152,000,000 in bonds at lowest possible interest rates with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, and no money for administrator's salaries?"
Bond Oversight Committee
Proposition 39, the regulation under which the 2008 Measure B General Obligation Bond was passed, requires a citizen's oversight committee.
Measure B Citizens Oversight Committee
During the Central Unified School District Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, the Board was informed that the Measure B Citizen Oversight Committee would be properly renamed to reflect the passing of the Measure C Bond in November and will be officially known as the Measure C Citizens Oversight Committee.
During the Central Unified School District Board of Education Meeting on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, the Board was informed that the Measure C Citizen Oversight Committee would be properly renamed to reflect the passing of the Measure D Bond in November 2020 and will be officially known as the Measure D Citizens Oversight Committee.
Please see the Measure D Citizen Oversight Committee website for additional information.
Bond Oversight Committee By-laws:
Measure B Bond Oversight Committee Annual Reports: (SEE MEASURE C AND D WEB PAGES)
Measure B Annual Performance Audits:
Measure B Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes: (SEE MEASURE C AND MEASURE D WEBPAGES)