Complaint Procedures & Forms


Central Unified School District believes that the quality of our educational programs can improved by listening to concerns and differences of opinion, and by taking steps to resolve disagreements through an established process. Whenever possible, complainants are encouraged to resolve concerns early and informally. If concerns remain unresolved, a formal complaint may be submitted in accordance with the appropriate district procedures. 

When it is appropriate, the District encourages the use of conflict resolution/peer mediation practices, which are designed to handle conflict constructively, reduce violence, and promote communication, personal responsibility, and problem-solving skills. 

NOTE: Individual members of Board of Trustees do not have authority to resolve complaints. If approached directly with a complaint, Board members may refer a complainant to the Superintendent or designee so that concerns may receive proper consideration.


District Complaint Procedures

The following procedures have been created in alignment with district Board Policies (BP), Administrative Regulations (AR), and applicable state and federal laws and regulations. If it is unclear which procedure applies to a complaint, the Superintendent (or Designee) shall determine the correct procedure. The Superintendent or Designee's decision shall be final.  

Complaints Concerning District Employees 
  • Complaints concerning district employee(s), other than a principal or district office administrator, shall be submitted in writing to the principal or employee(s) immediate supervisor.

  • Complaints concerning to a principal or district office administrator shall be initially filed in writing with the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.

  • Complaints concerning the Superintendent shall be initially filed in writing with the Board.

  • Complaints about an individual Board member shall be filed with the Board President and the Superintendent.

Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials


Uniform Complaint Procedures


William Uniform Complaint Procedures


Nondiscrimination in Employment


Sexual Harassment [Employees]


Sexual Harassment [Students]


Nondiscrimination - Athletic Competition


District Complaint Forms (English)


District Complaint Forms (Spanish)


District Complaint Forms (Punjabi)


Title IX Coordinator

The following individual has been designated to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with Title IX, as well as to investigate and resolve Title IX complaints. Any known or suspected violation of these rights, should be immediately reported to:

Eliseo Cuellar - Interim
Human Resources Department
5652 W. Gettysburg Ave, Room 9
Fresno, CA 93722
(559) 274-4700, Ext. 10204
[email protected] 



Title IX Training Resources


Investigative Procedures

The District's complaint procedures and forms have been created in alignment with district policy, regulations, and applicable state/federal laws and regulations. Upon receipt of a complaint, the district determines the correct investigative procedure to follow by the policy and/or regulation that best corresponds to the complaint and its subject matter.

Standard of Proof

A preponderance of the evidence is the typical standard of proof in administrative investigations. Preponderance simply means that the burden of proof is met when the evidence used to reach an investigative finding outweighs evidence to the contrary. 

Allegations are assigned one of three potential findings:

  • Unfounded: The investigation clearly established the allegation(s) are untrue.
  • Not Sustained: The investigation did not yield sufficient evidence to determine whether the allegation(s) occurred.
  • Sustained: The investigation determined the allegations(s) occurred.
Corrective Actions 
Corrective measures determined on a case-by-case basis. If and/or when corrective actions are warranted, strict confidentiality laws prohibit the district from releasing specific details regarding corrective measures applied by administration.
Appeal Process
Either the complainant(s) or the respondent(s) may file an appeal. The specific timeline and appeal procedures are determined by complaint procedure(s) applied to investigate the complaint.